Applying His Leadership Strategies for Success

Larry Kryske
Commander, U.S. Navy (Ret.)

Leadership Expert
Churchill Authority


Applying His Leadership Strategies for Success

Larry Kryske
Commander, U.S. Navy (Ret.)

Leadership Expert
Churchill Authority


Winston Churchill is renowned for his bold, resolute leadership. He was an innovative problem solver who harnessed the power of communication and possessed a resilience in the face of adversity. Churchill authority and leadership expert Commander Larry Kryske, U.S. Navy (Ret.) will guide your leaders in how to apply Churchill’s proven strategies for success.

CHURCHILL for LEADERS is not a nostalgic or historical discussion of Churchill’s achievements. Rather it is a content-rich, fast-paced, 55- to 90-minute program designed to give your leaders essential tools that are practical, timely, and inspiring. Churchill’s wit and humor will enrich the presentation. Your leaders will learn the critical competencies needed to achieve victorious results when times are tough.

CHURCHILL for LEADERS is available for two different applications. The first is designed for business executives and leaders in corporate, nonprofit, government, or civic organizations. The second is designed for future leaders in educational institutions especially private school leadership academies and college/university MBA programs.

Presentation Content

CHURCHILL for LEADERS reveals what really matters most about leadership and achieving extraordinary results. Larry shares proven, practical strategies people can use at work or home. This presentation offers:

  • A perfect model for leadership that inspires, motivates, and encourages.
  • A practical goal-setting system that succeeds where others have failed.
  • A powerful message that’s easily remembered, applied, and yields results.
  • A positive way of dealing with defeats, doubts, and despair.
  • A proven method for achieving heroic results and building relentless resolve.
  • A provocative belief that we are limited only by our imagination and our will.
  • A panoramic picture of hope that a richer, fuller, more successful future is possible.

Leadership aspects covered:


  • The power of discernment.
  • The strength of simplicity.
  • Communications that make a difference.
  • From mistakes to wisdom.

Goal Setting & Vision

  • Guaranteed goals.
  • Harnessing imagination.
  • Big picture/details determine destiny.
  • Creating an extraordinary future.


  • Making change a challenge not a curse.
  • Escaping from one’s past.
  • Stepping out of comfort zones.
  • Becoming action oriented.

Overcoming Obstacles

  • Cultivating courage.
  • Conquering procrastination.
  • Perseverance as a pastime.
  • Transforming adversity into advantage.


  • Painting a positive attitude.
  • Establishing clarity of purpose.
  • Becoming resilient.
  • Enthusiasm, the missing ingredient.

Sir Martin Gilbert, Official Biographer of Sir Winston S. Churchill, said, “I greatly enjoyed your talk. Very entertaining! I was totally absorbed and drawn forward by your creative presentation. Wonderfully done!”

David Sampson, U.S. Deputy Secretary of Commerce, said, “Your presentation was truly unique and inspirational. Watching your program had those who attended talking about the meeting for weeks. Thanks for bringing to us something that goes beyond the ordinary ‘nuts and bolts’ of operating a business.”

Phyllis A. Wang, President, New York State Health Care Providers, said, “Creating YOUR Finest Hour was one of the most creative approaches to a presentation that I have ever experienced. I connected extremely well with your ties to Winston Churchill’s wisdom. Our members were exceedingly receptive and thoroughly enjoyed the change of pace. Here are some of the comments we received: ‘Fantastic—a great way to start the day!’ ‘Excellent keynote that reaffirms the nurse I am.’ ‘Awesome presentation with motivating information we can use immediately.’ ‘Delightful and fun!’”

Christine Foran, Association of Donor Recruitment Professionals, said, “Your keynote was a nice blend of practical ideas, humor, and inspiration. You were the strongest conference finish we have ever had in our twenty-five years.”

Susan Gargano, MS, RD, President, Pennsylvania Dietetic Ass’n, said, “As the keynote speaker at our annual conference, you provided a positive message on personal achievement and valuable leadership insights that will benefit our members, our profession, and our association. Your presentation ‘painted’ the right picture for our future. I have received many comments from members that this opening meeting was upbeat, uplifting, and fun!”

Fred Eckel, Executive Director, North Carolina Association of Pharmacists, said, “Creating Your Finest Hour captured our attention, gave practical advice, and started our meeting with excitement. The audience was thoroughly engaged throughout your talk.”

Micheal Hodges, Executive Director, Texas Press Association, said, “As Sir Winston would say, you certainly gave us one of your finest hours during our annual convention in El Paso.”