Applying His Leadership Strategies for Success
Larry Kryske
Commander, U.S. Navy (Ret.)
Leadership Expert
Churchill Authority
Applying His Leadership Strategies for Success
Larry Kryske
Commander, U.S. Navy (Ret.)
Leadership Expert
Churchill Authority

Leadership Retreats, Facilitations, and Board Development
Trade associations know that the key quality of a successful board is their leadership. Effective board leadership, however, is the result of purposeful actions and not something that occurs just because a group meets together and discusses what they would like to do during the following year. Effective leadership can help foster Board chemistry, cooperation, and commitment that are necessary to achieve.
The Challenge
Board members:
- Are volunteers.
- Are busy with their professions and businesses.
- Are pressed for time.
- May have a short attention span with respect to association issues.
- May lack experience in dealing with governmental decision makers.
- Are often cautious when involved with other industry competitors.
- May not share the same political, economic, or philosophical views.
- May not know the strengths, weaknesses, backgrounds, experience of the other board members.
- May have limited experience in serving on boards or dealing with association staffs.
- May have limited people-skills with respect to leadership, effective communications, problem solving, goal setting, decision making, consensus building, innovation, time management, listening, etc.
The Solution
Help board members:
- Discover their leadership strengths and then develop strategies to capitalize on those strengths.
- Learn how to build rapport, trust, cooperation, openness, and understanding with other board members.
- Learn how to tap into the strengths, talents, creativity, and energy of every member of the association and staff.
- Learn how to communicate effectively and clearly as well as how to influence others in a positive way.
- Learn how to reduce misunderstandings, ease frustrations, and minimize conflicts with other board and association members.
- Learn how to lead with integrity, accountability, authority, and responsibility.
The Process
- Guide board members to discover, learn, apply, and master proven, practical leadership strategies involving teamwork, effective communications, problem solving, flexibility, trust/respect, and motivation.
- Ensure that the new learning for board members is practical, timely, motivating, and fun.
- Supplement, complement, and reinforce the strengths, knowledge, and experiences of board members.
The Outcome
- Cultivate a higher degree of chemistry, cooperation, and commitment among the board members.
- Enable the board to become victorious leaders who have vision, courage, and determination.
- Enable the board to lead the association in achieving extraordinary results by becoming even more responsive to the needs and expectations of association members.
- Motivate the board members to become highly respected ambassadors of the association and industry by sharing the good news about the industry with all association members, with governmental policy makers, and with the general public.
- Empower the board to establish and uphold standards of excellence within the industry.
- Motivate the board to create bold, new opportunities for the association and industry.
Two Critical Questions
Do your board and association have the imagination and will to become the winning organization worthy of the trust and respect that every association member places in it?
When will your board step out of its comfort zones and embark on a journey that will change the nature of your association and industry forever?

The Greatest Board…
John Buchan once observed, “The true task of leadership is not to put greatness into humanity, but to elicit it, since the greatness is already there.” Your board already has all the innate talents necessary achieve success. Unlock these talents that may have been dormant for too long. Your board can become more than you ever imagined it becoming!
…in the World
Larry wrote the book on board development, The Greatest Board in the World. In it you will find a proven, practical process to transform a board into a winning team. There are hundreds of strategies and tactics designed to enhance board leadership and teamwork. The book is a quick read designed for the busy board member. Winston Churchill’s encouragement, “Come then, let us go forward together with our united strength!” equally applies to today’s board. To learn more about this book

Stanley W. Polmateer, Board Chairman, New York State Association for Superintendents of School Buildings & Grounds, said, “Larry, your presentation was what we needed to hear. We need our people to lead, not follow. They need them to make decisions based on the best information available. You captured the critical elements of leadership in a clear and understandable way and motivated us to become more leadership oriented. I’m looking forward to your keynote to our association next year.”
Dan Shaw, CEO and President, Associated Builders and Contractors Ass’n, Florida East Coast Chapter said, “Your facilitation of our leadership conference was exactly what we needed! You certainly met and exceeded my expectations! My board and staff were fully engaged during the two-day event and helped them keep a high level of motivation, enthusiasm, and interest. I received many positive comments from the board members that lauded your commitment to our chapter and the productive discussions you elicited. You also helped the board to identify and focus on the critical issues we face and to address new possibilities for future growth.”
Todd Stallings, CHE, Executive Director, Indiana Association for Home & Hospice Care, said, “Thanks for giving us such a great presentation! Here are some of the comments we received: ‘My vision was refreshed big time! I am encouraged, entertained, inspired, and awed.’ ‘This was a timely and unique program; motivating and energetic.’ ‘Wisdom through entertainment, no small feat, excellent.’ ‘Best speaker, very motivating, meaningful and inspiring.’ These comments paint a very positive picture of your presentation.”
Ben Boerner, CAE, President, Texas Grain & Feed Association, said, “In The Greatest Board Larry Kryske hits the nail on the head on board development! Before we can function as an effective board and determine our direction, we must understand ourselves and each other as individuals. Then we can make a difference for our members.”
Tom Roland, Vice President/General Manager, Butcher Distributors—Trane, said, “Your keynote and two-hour training session were the perfect way to kick off our annual Business Retreat. Your programs gave us an open, energized atmosphere to discuss the challenges and opportunities of our business.”