Applying His Leadership Strategies for Success
Larry Kryske
Commander, U.S. Navy (Ret.)
Leadership Expert
Churchill Authority
Applying His Leadership Strategies for Success
Larry Kryske
Commander, U.S. Navy (Ret.)
Leadership Expert
Churchill Authority
For Meeting Planners
As a meeting planner, you have the responsibility for getting the best talent for your client. By choosing the right speaker, you can have a profound impact on the lives of the people who will be attending as well as on the future of their organization. You can be the hero by bringing an important message to them. Thus, your decision may change lives and organizations forever.
Take the speaker challenge. Can you think of a great speaker you have heard recently? Can you remember the key points that speaker made? All too often, a speaker is chosen like a dessert. There’s a brief, sweet taste, but the effect wears off by the next day. Your clients, however, will truly benefit from a more nourishing meal that will help them grow.
Larry’s leadership programs are designed to be a complete, nutritious meal that contains a message that can be remembered long after the presentation. Please don’t shortchange your clients! Help them make a wise investment in their organization’s future. Help them become more than they ever imagined they could become!
Genuine Leaders versus Instant Experts
There are many instant experts in the speaking world. Many have talked about leadership, teamwork, and productivity in their presentations yet lack the practical experience gained from actually leading men and women and building unstoppable teams. Reading numerous books on a subject doesn’t make a person an expert nor does it confer mastery of that subject.
Leadership is not learned from a book. Rather, a person must learn it in the most demanding venue, that is, on the battlefield of life. There is no substitution for actual leadership experience. When you have a medical problem, you go to a doctor. When you have an automobile problem, you go to a mechanic. To whom should you turn when you want to learn about leadership or teamwork? Look for someone who has fought in the trenches, is battle-scarred, and has both won and lost battles. Thus, please closely consider the background of your speakers so you can choose those who can serve your clients best.
Finally, as a meeting planner, you are responsible for ensuring the quality of the information that is being presented. To present the best, look to the lives of individuals who have made enduring, significant contributions to society. Examples of individuals who have led truly extraordinary lives despite trials and tribulations will be valuable for your clients. Why not choose the best?
Pre-Program Questions
Larry will not mail you a multi-page, pre-program survey that will become a trial to complete. Rather, he will visit with you on the telephone at a mutually convenient time and ask some questions that will help him serve you better. Below are examples of the kind of information he’d like to receive:
- Convention/conference/sales meeting theme?
- Specific purpose of this meeting?
- Specific objectives and expectations for Larry’s presentation?
- What would make Larry’s presentation really “special” for your group?
- Sensitive issues to be avoided?
- Are there messages you would like Larry to reinforce?
- What topics related to the material Larry will be presenting have you received in the past?
- What did you like best and least about these presentations?
- Any movers and shakers or celebrities in the audience?
- With your permission, whom may Larry call to gain more information about your organization’s challenges?
- Program schedule, what is before, and what occurs after Larry’s presentation?
- Appropriate attire?
- Total number of persons attending, % males, % females, are spouses attending, average age, business position, and educational backgrounds?
- What are your organization’s mission and vision?
- What are your organization’s greatest victories? What are you most proud of?
- Problems, challenges, friction involving the attendees?
- Problems, challenges, special needs, goals, breakthroughs, and significant events involving your organization and your industry?
- What are your biggest frustrations in dealing with the people in your industry?
- What else does Larry need to know about your group?
- What prompted your to hire Larry for your event?
Other Information Larry Needs From You
- Any magazines, newsletters, brochures, or annual reports that tell Larry more about your organization, the products and services you offer, your people, your goals, and your challenges. The more Larry knows about your organization, the better he can serve you.
- Copy of event announcements, promos, flyers, newsletters.
- Recent relevant industry articles in trade publications.
- Larry would like to visit on the telephone with five of your organization’s key leaders to get their perspective on how Larry can best serve you.
Program Reservation
Presentation, Seminar, Facilitation A/V Need
- Cordless/wireless lapel microphone preferred.
- LCD projector and screen
- Easel, paper, and markers.
- One small table (24 to 36 inches wide by 60 to 84 inches long by 28 inches high).
- Larry will be happy to suggest the best room layouts to optimize your audience’s ability to see his unique multi-media painting presentation.
- If you prefer, Larry will coordinate directly with the meeting room A/V personnel to work out all the logistic details, will keep you closely informed of all discussions, and will spare you the need to get involved with the technical details.
Reinforcement Option
Convention Brochure
Hotel Arrangements
Travel Arrangements
Recording Presentations
Carol Kientz, RN, MS, Executive Director, Home Health Assembly of New Jersey, said, “This has been the most incredible day! I loved your presentation. You rose to our challenge and dazzled our members. One of our vendors who has always been critical about all of our presentations said, ‘This was a great program!’ One lady wrote in her program evaluation, ‘I was truly blessed and encouraged by Larry Kryske to continue pursuing my goals.’”
Charlie Plumb, Captain, USNR (Ret.), former Vietnam War POW, said, “It was an honor and pleasure just to be in your audience. I thoroughly enjoyed your presentation. Your moving words and your use of multimedia technology were extremely effective.”
Randy Robison, Executive Director, Nevada Association of School Boards, said, “Your insightful and inspirational presentations kept all of us attentive to your message long after other speakers would have been tuned out. You skillfully combined concrete, useful experience with understandable and relevant application. You gave us tools we can use.”
Dave Lentini, Connecticut Community Bankers, Pres & CEO of Connecticut Bank & Trust, said, “Your unique presentation was very well received. Your presentation really brings together the tie between Winston Churchill having to overcome adversity and what we can do if we really put our minds to it. I needed a great show and a great draw–you provided both.”